Tuesday, October 13, 2009

2 Months

I told you Orrin has grown - check out this comparison from 4 days to 2 months!

Some Orrin facts from the last month:

He loves his mobile

He loves playing with his hanging toys, especially this past week. He is starting to try to hit them and talk to them.
Even though we do it every day, he does NOT like tummy time
And is much happier when turned over to see and talk to me
He loves bathtime (but as I've learned, NOT shower time - which brings up another new development: a very loud shriek/scream when he is mad)
He still likes being carried around, although he usually falls asleep. So I can't tell you what he really thinks of art yet.
He likes to contemplate life

And then smile and tell you about it

He LOVES to talk, and is just starting to squeal a little trying to laugh.
He's sleeping 7-8 hours for a stretch at night, then another 2 hours or so after eating.
We've been working on a bedtime routine and he's still getting use to that. We're trying to get him to fall asleep at 8 or 9 instead of 12 or 1. He's getting better, and slowly learning to fall asleep on his own, too.
He just discovered the tv and finds it interesting. We need to cut way back (me especially, I like it on for the background noise usually).

We are having a blast with him and can't wait to see what he'll do next!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Man is he growing into a handsome bugger! :)