Thursday, August 12, 2010

Stats and Random Things

Orrin's 1 year appointment was yesterday - he weighs 21 pounds, 6 ounces and is 31.5 inches tall. Thats the 92nd percentile for height, and 40th for weight - tall and skinny like his daddy! :)

He was a champ about getting shots! He cried for a second, then went on to smile and babble at the nurse. The doctor gave him a little cow and he thought that was pretty great.

I made him a pair of pants with knee pads on them yesterday, thinking that might be nice for crawling. They turned out so cute, but probably won't fit him until he's 3 or so! Oops. Try again today.

The dogs have taught Orrin how to growl. He growls at the dogs when they play with each other, like he wants in on the action. Its pretty funny.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wow, one year old already! Time sure seems to slip away quickly. Looks like he's a healthy, growing boy! :)