Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I can't believe its been a year! Orrin is growing up very quickly.

He is saying a few more words now. Still mama, dada, book, fish (he says this one a lot, and very insistently if I don't notice that my aquarium screensaver is on as we walk past), hi and bye. But now he is saying Spot, up, uh oh, and I'm pretty sure no. He babbles constantly and says many other words repeatedly as he points to random things, I'm just not sure what he is saying. :)

Speaking of pointing, he loves to point. Especially at people, and if you point back he giggles. He points at things he wants and occasionally cries if he doesn't get it. I'm not looking forward to this phase of toddlerhood!

He LOVES books. He also loves to pull them all down off of the shelf. He will sit for a long time looking through them all. He likes to point to the pictures (of course), and sometimes kiss them, especially if it is an animal. The touch and feel books are a current favorite. He is also just starting to bring me books to read to him, and turn the pages for me.

He is giving lots of kisses, mostly to the dogs and pictures, and Scott. Every once in awhile he will give one to me.

He is crawling all over now, and quickly. This is making cleaning for house showings almost impossible as he has an uncanny knack for knowing exactly where I need to go next with the vacuum. And as I said before, he likes to unload shelves. He also loves to pull out the outlet protectors. I think we are not anywhere near walking, though, since he still can't quite pull himself up on the furniture and doesn't try to step forward when we help him stand.

He loves to harass the dogs. Spot is finally starting to play with him, which is fun to watch. Daisy just gets up and moves whenever he gets near. She only moves a couple feet away, though, and Orrin is pretty persistent, so he just chases he around. She is not so thrilled with him at this point.

His two top front teeth should poke through any minute now.

Enjoying his first time in a pool.
Daisy finally gave up one day.
At the track watching Grandpa race.
Scott and I went to a random park on the Grand River (Chief Hazy Cloud I think) and realized there wasn't really anything there. So we plopped Orrin in a field of tall grass. We also took that picture of him on a rock above.
Orrin's first time at the beach was a success. Until he started eating the sand. He wasn't really sure about the big waves.

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