Friday, April 9, 2010

8 months

Edit: A few minutes after I posted this, Orrin woke up and while feeding him I felt his first tooth poking through! Its barely visible, but definitely through the skin.

Not much is new from last month. But here goes:

He is still desperate to crawl. He moves backward now, but it makes him pretty angry since that's not the direction he wants to go.

He can almost use the sippy cup by himself, he just can't quite lift it high enough yet.

He can almost feed himself, but can't quite open his hand enough to get a puff or cheerio out into his mouth.

He still loves to experiment with sounds, octaves, and decibel ranges.

He loves music. He is loving listening to records with Scott at night.

The dogs make him laugh, especially when Spot is whining.

He will eat anything! Even if he doesn't seem to like it, he'll keep eating. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing...

He can wave and pound a drum (the toy one he has). We are working on clapping and dancing.

He loves church nursery. We always get a good report when we pick him up.

He hates balloons.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Oh my, that first picture of him wearing the tie? Priceless! Great catch!
Happy 8 months, Orrin!!!