Thursday, March 26, 2009


We went in for the big ultrasound this morning! Scott and I have both been "feeling" boy the last couple weeks so we decided last night that we would be surprised if we found out the baby is a girl. We weren't surprised - its a boy! It was very obvious, too. How fun to watch him move around and see his little heart and brain and bones! Scott says he was a little distracted trying to figure out how the software works, but he was excited too.

Here's some pictures (I know, they look like every other ultrasound picture, but they're ours!)

Profile, you can see the spine and legs

Same thing again pretty much
A little harder to see, but its his face w/ his arm and hand above it


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Laura and Scott! Have fun decorating that nursery for a boy now!

HollyMarie said...

Congratulations!!! How fun!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! A nice even number of grandkids for us - 5 girls and 5 boys (so far....)

I'm SO excited!!!!

Mom Deb :-)

Sara said...


Anonymous said...

Ducky just suggested Christopher.

Christopher Scott Marsman.

Sounds nice to me :-)

Love, Mom