Here's some fun facts:
Orrin is growing a ton. Scott and I both lost the bet on when he would walk, Aunt Becky wins again! He took his first real steps on December 10 while a friend was visiting, but didn't start really walking until about two weeks ago (Jan 27th). We were visiting Leeum that evening and Orrin watched him run around for awhile, then picked up a football and walked across the room. He's been going ever since.
Orrin is talking more and more every day, too. There are too many words to list, but here are some of the cutest:
A cow says "Mmmmmmom"
"Hi Da"
A lion says "Roar" (he really gets into this one)
He shakes his head and says "uh uh" in response to almost any question
I think this might be my favorite age so far. He knows enough words to be terribly cute, but not enough to talk back!
His favorite things to do lately are feed the dogs (a few pieces at a time, takes forever!), "help" me in the kitchen or with laundry or whatever else I happen to be doing, watch elmo videos on the computer, feed his fish, unload cupboards, and look through books. I think he would like to play outside if we could convince him to leave his hat and mittens on. We've only managed a few minutes at a time in the snow. He hated wearing shoes and boots until a few days ago, now he is obsessed with them and is constantly bringing me shoes to put on. He constantly babbles and giggles and is generally a joy to be around! Tantrums are even getting much shorter, he seems to get that it won't get him very far.
And the pictures:
Playing in the dog crate
"helping" with the laundry (these clothes are usually scattered throughout the kitchen within a few minutes)
Just a pretty view from the deck early one morning
Orrin's Christmas picture. The only way we got him to sit still for more than a second, and keep the hat on his head was to play muppet videos on the laptop under the camera!
First time in the snow, he wasn't all that enthused
A budding prodigy!
We are noticing he may have inherited a little bit of OCD (take your pick which one of us he got it from). The driver of this jeep must always be facing backwards. We mess with him and turn it forward, but he always notices eventually and turns it back around.
"helping" in the kitchen. Its a bit of a hazard for me trying to cook, but it keeps him occupied, otherwise he is hanging on my legs yelling "ot" (up).
Another of Orrin's favorite toys. Not so much ours. :)
I got him a donkey for Christmas - he LOVED it! Preparing him for his future pet.
With his cousins. He was not in a good mood, Scott got him to smile by singing Manamana - one of his favorite muppet songs.
More Christmas presents. He was a lot more interested in the table full of food that day! He would sucker anyone nearby into giving him something.
Loving his Christmas present from us - 3 fish!
"helping" Daddy install a shower door.
Digging out from the snowstorm.
Lots of toys, but usually the favorites come from my kitchen cabinets. He played with this thing for a few days, but has moved on to my canning funnel lately.
A Valentine's Day treat from Grandpa. This is the first time I've given him his own piece of candy (usually we'll just share little bites of whatever yummy things we are eating).
He definitely liked it and is asking for more here.
For dessert tonight, we had some chocolate covered apple slices.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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