Monday, January 25, 2010

Ready Set Go

Apparently a week of sleep deprivation caught up to us all. I woke up yesterday in a daze and glanced at the clock - 9:47am. Church starts at 10:30. I spent a few seconds debating whether I should just go back to sleep and pretend I never woke up and saw what time it was (after, of course, I checked the monitor to make sure Orrin was still breathing), then I shook Scott. We spent 3 minutes discussing if it was possible to make it on time, and if it was worth even trying. At 9:50, we decided to go for it. Flying into action, we dressed, brushed our teeth and combed our hair in record time (no shower - sorry to the people around us!). Scott shaved and dealt with the dogs while I went and woke Orrin up (he was still sleeping at 10). I changed him and fed him and crossed my fingers that he wouldn't have his normal morning blowout before we got out the door. We buckled him up, grabbed 2 cereal bars, and left.

We got to church at 10:27am. We have not been to church that early since before Orrin was born! This apparently is the secret to being on time. If only Orrin would sleep til 10 every day!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Nice one! We woke early, were in the same boat debating, but the girls went down for a nap before church started. :(
Friday sounds great. Just let me know what time, and your house or mine? Doesn't matter to me!
See ya!