Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4 Months

Orrin is 4 months old today!

His stats as of last Friday: 16 pounds 12 ounces (85th percentile), 27.5 inches (98th percentile)

So essentially he is the size of a 6-7 month old. We are already finding that people are thinking he is much older than he really is - like the lady in charge of nursery on Sunday asking if he crawls.

Some new developments:

He loves to stand up.

He babbles in multi-syllable a lot more. He sounds like he is trying to have a conversation.

He blows "raspberries" constantly. It is how he expresses both happiness and unhappiness. It's pretty funny when he complains this way.

He has figured out how to turn on his music toy (so he is at least as smart as Spot now!) by flailing his arms.

He is getting very good at grabbing things.

He is very interested in watching Scott and I eat, he will mimic us chewing.

He seems pretty close to being able to sit on his own.

He rolled over once from his tummy to his back, but not again.

He is becoming very opinionated - he knows what/who he wants and when (now!). For example, if he wakes up at night, if Scott tries to go in and soothe him, he SCREAMS! He wants mom.

Speaking of screaming... He does that a lot more now. :) He's still a very happy baby, but if he doesn't get enough sleep (which has been an issue lately), watch out!

He made it through his first cold.

I've given up on trying to get good pictures of him with the cow. You get the idea - he is huge.

And cute!!

We tried out the exersaucer today. He seemed to really like it!


Cara said...

Growing, growing boy! I can't wait to see him! That's pretty hilarious, about the nursery lady. Good one! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how you've used his cow as a measuring stick...LOL!! Sure give you a perspective of how fast they grow!!
