Thursday, April 8, 2010

OA Part 3

Obsessive much??

Yeah, these ants are bringing out the OCD in me. Here's what happened a couple of days ago in that storm (this brought other drama between us, the neighbors and the city of Kentwood, but that's another post I guess):

Apparently the flood drove all of the ants into our window for refuge. That afternoon, and yesterday morning everywhere I turned in the kitchen, there was an ant! I realized there were some crawling between the storm window and actual window so I sprayed soapy water in between the windows. Then they all appeared - like 30 ants just hanging out in the base of the window - trying to get out, so I unleashed like half the bottle in there. Once they were all dead, I didn't see another ant for the rest of the afternoon. I almost thought I won! But then before bed, I found 3. So Scott did some investigating and we noticed a bunch more in the window - which we drowned again. Then he sprayed the good stuff outside on the window. Today: Peace.

Sort of. They are definitely messing with me. Yesterday when I woke up, there was a dead ant next to my pillow. Ew. Then today, I was in the basement taking pictures of Orrin (yay, 8 month post coming up soon!) and he was leaning way over examining something.

A closer look revealed this:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course Orrin found the ant - he's a BOY. I'm sure he'll find you much more exciting stuff than that, this summer!!

Love, Mom