Thursday, March 11, 2010

Seven Months!

Orrin continues to grow and change and amaze us every day!

Some new happenings:

He is still rolling like crazy, and is trying to roll from tummy to back. He will lean his head over and concentrate really hard, but that's about as far as it gets.

After watching his cousin Keely, he is obsessed with moving now. He can't actually do it, but he is working on tucking his knees up under his butt and reaching/pushing up with his arms more. I don't think crawling is in our near future, but maybe he will figure out scooting some time soon. The good thing about this is he is happy on his tummy for long periods of time now.

He loves to eat! Some favorites are bananas and peaches. He also just started eating yogurt and likes that too. He HATES rice and oatmeal. Even when I try to sneak it in mixed with something good (like apples), he will gag. I found some recipes for teething biscuits that I am going to make so our rice and oatmeal cereal don't go to waste since they have both been opened and obviously won't be used on time.

He can sit for long periods unassisted. He's getting better at maintaining his balance while leaning and reaching for toys, too.

Still no teeth popping through, but he is teething like crazy, making our days around here not so fun.

He loves going for walks! Whether outside or around the mall, he gets very quiet and just watches.

We installed his big carseat a few days ago, so no more infant seat. He seems to like it, but we need to sit it up a bit more.

Aside from teething days, he is just the happiest kid! He is so laid back, he eats well, he sleeps well (day and night); Scott and I are well aware of how lucky we are!

Cow pictures/ photo shoots in general are getting more difficult, so we just did the best we could. :)

I took this because he is just so cute, even when he's sleeping! And yeah, he's a pacifier addict...

Playing on the floor in his roomAny guesses as to what this toy is?? Its his current favorite. Babysitting privileges to whoever gets it right! :)

Taking advantage of the warm weather!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Happy 7 mos! See you guys soon!