Monday, February 8, 2010

Half Birthday

Update - stats as of Feb. 10: 19 pounds 1 ounce (75th percentile), 29 inches long (99th percentile). The size of an average 11 month old!

Can you believe it? This little MAN is 6 months old today!

He has developed by leaps and bounds lately:

He can roll over from back to front. This is great except he still can't go from front to back, and he doesn't really like being on his tummy for more than a few minutes. So he rolls, plays a minute, then screams. I'll push him over, and he immediately repeats the process. It is a very fun game.

He is eating more and more. Sweet potatoes are just ok. But oatmeal and mashed bananas today were a hit. He is definitely getting the hang of eating and gets a little more actually in his tummy every day.

He just started sucking his thumb the last couple of days. A little late, but its pretty cute.

He will imitate waving. Also pretty cute.

I've been trying to get him to repeat "mama" for awhile, but his sound of choice right now is naturally "da".

He has suddenly become very cuddly. When I get him out of his crib from naptime, he "hugs" me by burying his face in my shoulder. He does the same thing when he is tired. I LOVE it!

I can't put my finger on the specifics, but he is just acting more grown up!

Monthly cow pictures:

Taken before church (yeah, we were late). I just love this outfit!

Family Picture
With the birthday girl on Saturday!

Sometimes if Orrin wakes up early, we hang out in bed for awhile and watch the today show (and if I'm lucky, he'll fall asleep for another hour or two). I am tired, but it always feels like special time.

This is how I can shower in the morning.
Orrin likes to help with the laundry.

Watching Star Trek with dad. I'm not sure how I feel about this. :)


wanderer109 said...

Laura he is sooo adorable! I wish I could meet him in person...

Cara said...

Happy 1/2 Birthday Orrin!
Cute cute pictures. He's so photogenic!
See you Friday!