Friday, January 22, 2010

5 months

Ok, I'm a couple weeks late on this. But I did take the pictures on time!

Fun Facts

As of two weeks ago, Orrin weighed 18.5 pounds. He is quickly outgrowing 9 month size clothes!

He has been obsessed with rolling over from his back to his tummy, but can't quite do it. He practices all the time, including the middle of the night. I'll wake up to a weird clanking noise and turn on the monitor to see him kicking his little aquarium trying to fling himself over.

He also can't roll from his tummy to his back. Except I left him on his tummy for a minute to go blow my nose and came back to find him on his back about a foot away. So I guess he can do it, he just likes to be stubborn and won't let us see it. For all I know, he is rolling all over the place at night.

He is still talking a ton and is testing out all kinds of new sounds. The newest is a scream to voice a complaint. Not a crying scream, but a high pitch, guttural type scream. Then he stops and looks at you like "did you hear that?". Its pretty great.

He can sit unassisted for about 30 seconds. If I put the boppy around him for a little support, he can stay up for several minutes, or until he gets bored.

He loves books and music. Books that play music are even better!

So far he seems to like avocado and banana. He's only had them a couple of times and I'm not sure how much actually ended up in his stomach, but he was trying! We've taken a brief hiatus from solids to get through this cold.

He has two bottom front teeth that are just beneath the skin. He has had some miserable teething days, but they haven't seemed to move in a week or so. Which is good b/c now he is miserable with a cold.

All the sudden, one day several weeks ago all of our sleep problems disappeared. He decided to fall asleep on his own, in his crib, and stay asleep for more than an hour at a time (for naps) and all night. That is, until the cold happened. I think we may have created a pacifier monster recently, which we are kicking ourselves for now b/c he is waking every hour coughing and wanting his pacifier to go back to sleep. Except he coughs it out a few seconds after I get comfortable in bed and cries.

He LOVES his johnny jumper!

These pretty accurately document the times so I gave up on trying to get a smile (he was teething that day) We love the outfit! :)

Oh yeah, I did get one with the flap down, but probably shouldn't post it on the internet. It's definitely one that will be pulled out for future girlfriends though.

Scott is starting him youngThis one just melts my heart

This one tooHe likes to pull things up over his face, hasn't quite mastered removing them yet.

1 comment:

Cara said...

Cutie Patootie! He's growing SO much! Keely asked if Orrin can come over to play later this week? Wed or Fri? We'll be around!
Take care!