Monday, October 5, 2009

Big Boy

Orrin is huge! He had his 2 month appointment today - 12 pounds, 6 ounces! And 24.5 inches long. So that is 95th percentile for length and 65th or so for weight.

He was so good and happy, enjoying all the attention from the doctor and nurse and smiling and cooing at them. Then she poked his leg and he got this sad look like "why did you just do that to me?" right after. He cried for a second and then just kept looking sad/hurt. He was a trooper though. We're going back in two weeks for the second shot. I was pretty worried that it was going to be a battle to get them split the shots up, but the doctor was very cool about it. They still keep bugging us about opting out of the hep b for now, though. Oh well. Orrin's a little fussy this afternoon, but nothing a little extra food and cuddling can't fix (like he really needs more food!). :)

Here's some pictures from Orrin's baptism last week:


Introduced to the congregation with Pastor PaulI had to try on the bonnet - he didn't like it!

Family pictureThe cake (again from Cake Connection)

And here's a fun video for you - wait a few seconds and you will see how good Orrin is at communicating what he wants. I only get a few seconds to deliver, though. Then its total meltdown (you can see this about to happen at the end). Sorry about the quality, I was juggling him and the camera.

1 comment:

Cara said...

OH, he is so cute! Thanks for the baptism pics. :) Glad that his doc appt went so well. I was going to call to see how it went, but Keely went down a little hard tonight and then time got away from me while I was working on Adalynn's costume. Really glad to hear he's doing well and is super healthy! Love you guys!